The first installment in the Captain America franchise definitely isn't a favourite among fans but it isn't as bad as Iron Man 2 for me. For me it is the worst out of the Captain America franchise as The Winter Soldier and Civil War are arguably some of the best movies in the MCU. Personally I don't see that many issues with The First Avenger but it is to me on of the weaker movies in comparison. When it came out at the time there wasn't as many films to compare it to but now we are in Phase 3 and standards are higher.

In the beginning of the movie Steve Rogers is just a nice guy who is smaller than other guys around him and he really hates bullies. He wants to fight in the war but due to his medical history he keeps getting rejected. So he volunteers for an experiment to make him into a super soldier. He then turns into a big guy who gets to beat on bigger bullies. There really isn't much character development, he's a nice, brave guy who becomes a soldier who less CGI. The CGI of the smaller Rogers is the biggest gripe I have as it just doesn't sit right with me and looks completely wrong so that's the main reason I avoid this film.

With the villian, Schmidt doesn't make have any character development either. He begins as a Hitler style villian who is willing to do anything to accomplish his vision but he is basically Red Skull for the entire film. Now Hugo Weaving does an amazing job at being a 40s stereotypical villian but he is nothing throughout the movie but a lunatic.

The messages of the movie are accurate to the comic as Captain America stands for everything positive about America whereas Schmidt represents a larger than life Nazi. There is good representation of brotherhood in the movie between the Howling Commandoes and especially between Cap and Bucky. Even though we don't see them as much as I would have liked I think what they did show was a good portrayal of the soldiers from the comics. Peggy's character as well is one of the strongest parts of the film and her relationship with Steve. Rather than having a typical damsel in distress and typical love interest she is a top agent who is on pare with Steve and their star-crossed lovers romance doesn't distract from the story.

As well as Peggy, some of the strongest characters in the movie are Doctor Erskine, Howard Stark and Colonel Philips. The casting for these characters I think was spot on as just as the whole movie they are taken straight from the comics. Doctor Erskine serves as a 'father figure' for Steve and a symbol of hope as he gives him his opportunity to achieve his dream of joining the army. Of course his character was destined to die otherwise he would be able to create more super soldiers after his experiment on Steve meaning Steve would be less important. Howard Stark I think is great, we get to see his relationship with Steve that is referred to so much by Tony in future films. Colonel Philips is one of my favourites, I love Tommy Lee Jones portrayal of a dynamic, rather cynical soldier who starts of being pessimistic in the choice of Steve as the super soldier guinea pig.
In the comics Bucky is Cap's sidekick but he's a kid, the movie shows Bucky being older than Steve and in the beginning being bigger and stronger than him as well. I prefer the movies representation of Bucky as they are not just friends, they are brothers. We see more of their relationship in later movies but here we see Steve who believes he lost his best friend and in future movies he is willing to do anything to prevent that happening again. Whilst he morns the loss of his friend we get to see his relationship with Peggy as well as the impact Bucky's 'death' had on him. This leads to his self sacrifice although personally I believe he should have more of a reason than his best friend dying, surely he would want to live for Peggy but in that theory he never would have been frozen but I think he should have had more of a reason.

As someone who takes little interest in war movies, I found Captain America enjoyable as it showcases a comic book based in 1940s integrated with a real war. I personally feel the fight sequences could have been handled a bit better but in order to fit in everything it missed they would have needed two Cap films based before he was frozen.

Easter Eggs
#1 The Human Torch
This particular easter egg is for old school fans of the comics. As Steve and Bucky enter the exhibition of future technologies, there is a red superhero costume on display in a glass display case. This refers to the original Human Torch, the very first superhero created by Timely Comics, now known as Marvel Comics. This reference could either establish that there was other superheroes fighting in World War 2 or it could be a little nod to Evan's role as the Human torch in the Fantastic Four movies.

#2 Arnim Zola's Introduction
The first time we see chief scientist of Hydra Arnim Zola and Red Skull's right hand man is an extreme close up of his face in a monitor. This refers to his character in the comics as he is rarely seen in the flesh but rather as a hologram or on a screen looking like a giant detached head.
#3 Cap punches Hitler
Whilst Cap is on his tour in America spreading positive messages, he acts out a scene where he punches Adolf Hitler. This is a callback to the very first issue of Captain America from the 1940s which was actually a very controversial as it was published before the US had even joined WW2.

#4 Captain Bucky
Whilst on the train prior to Bucky's supposed death, he picks up Captain America's shield to protect himself. This is a nod to his later reincarnation as The Winter Soldier as well as a reference to the character's eventual role in the comics as the temporary replacement for Captain America as he is suspected dead.

#5 Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee's cameo is as a general in WW2 who says to the person beside him that he thought Steve would be taller, although the person he thought was Captain America wasn't him.
