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CRP Tips!

Writer's picture: Laura SlingerLaura Slinger

Updated: Feb 13, 2019

So I thought I would do a post on tips and suggestions I have picked up over the years doing multiple applications, pre-screen interviews and tips I picked up from the final interview. I hope this helps some of you just as other blogs helped me!

Application Tips

Keep it simple

Try not to get carried away with the appearance of your CV and Cover Letter. This advice I should have taken multiple times. I would try to make mine stand out so much that it was just TOO much. Here's an example of CV's I sent over the years for the CRP which were rejected. As you can see they may stand out but they aren't as professional as they should be.

Unsuccessful CV's

In comparison to the CV I sent this time that got my through they are very busy and should have been simpler.

2018 CV

Keep the Disney talk to a minimum

Yes you are applying for Disney which is super exciting but it is also a professional job application. By all means mention your love for Disney but don't make it the foundation of your application. Don't talk about how you are Disney's biggest fan or how you've seen all their movies, keep it professional.

Include the important Bits

You might be inclined to include every single job, hobby, extra-curricular club you have been in, but I would limit the information to the ones that apply to the CRP. If you are wanting to work in food & Beverage, they don't really need to know that you worked as a Paper Boy when you were 16. Keep it to the stuff they want to hear, anything that apply's to the program.

Hype Yourself Up

During the application, Yummy Jobs are looking for why they should select you for an interview over another candidate. You need to convince them that you are the right person for the program. Now by all means hype yourself up and be confident, but try not to cross the line into arrogant.

Culture and Customer Service

What I have found over the years is, Disney and Yummy Jobs tend to prefer applications that focus on what they look for which is mainly your customer service experience and your experience with culture. So if you have been travelling, talk about it! If you went out of your way to help a customer at your work, talk about it! If you think it could apply to your situation of getting on the CRP then talk about it!

Pre-Screen Tips

Arrive in plenty of time

The pre-screens usually start between 9 and 10 am, now if you're like me and you live far away from London you will have to travel the day before and stay over night. However if you are travelling the day of the interview, then make sure you are prepared and consider every outcome. Whether it's cancelled trains, a broken down car, I would recommend a back up plan, you don't want to miss the pre-screen after all the effort it took to get a place.

Answer a trivia question

During the presentation at Pre-Screens they ask some Disney World trivia questions as an ice breaker. Some people might be a big shy to do this which I know I was at my first pre-screen but this shows your enthusiasm and means Yummy Jobs will remember your face. It's a good way to get you out of your comfort zone and can help your confidence.

Don't be overbearing

There are so many theories out there about how to act in the group interview. Do I come across as a leader and take control or be quieter and a team player? Always contribute as a team and build up the others in your group. If you have a create an attraction for the UK pavilion don't be overbearing and talk about what another candidate was supposed to say and don't shoot down another persons item. You would be surprised at the amount of interviewees that try to bring other people down to make themselves look better and it doesn't work. The ones in my pre-screen that did that did not get to final interviews. I would suggest being vocal and contribute as much as you can, the quiet ones never got through either.

Be Creative

When it comes to your item, be creative as possible. Yummy Jobs have probably seen hundreds of postcards over the years (which I even brought to my first interview) but try and bring something that they would have never seen before. I also had written a paragraph on the back of my post card so I sounded like a robot. Try and not over prepare so you sound rehearsed, at least try and memorize points that you want to talk about.

Be Proud

You may have read this on other blogs, but be proud of where you are from. I thought this was an obvious one but there were people at my pre-screen this year that slated where they were from and the British item they were asked to sell. Disney won't want to hire somebody that isn't proud of the UK so make sure you come across enthusiastic.

Final Interview Tips

Dress in formal attire

This may seem like an obvious one as if you have been successful after the pre-screen interview you would have got an email from Yummy Jobs stating the dress code for final interviews is formal business attire. This might not hinder your chances too much if you go more casual especially if you are good in the interview but I wouldn't wear anything that could risk it.

The Disney Look

Disney are wanting to see people who comply with the Disney look, which means no tattoos on show as the main point. I would also recommend taking out any piercings, in my pre-screen in 2016 the interviewer pointed out my piercings which was probably one of the reasons I was unsuccessful. It is much easier to take them out for the day to have a more formal appearance. If you have any crazy hair colours, don't risk it, just dye your hair for the interview. The interviewer at my pre-screen in 2016 also pointed out my hair colour as at the time I had silver hair so this is coming from experience. You wouldn't be allowed to work in Disney with unnatural hair colours so I wouldn't recommend having it for the interview. I'd also suggest not having any nail polish on for the interview, again it's something you wouldn't be aloud to have on the job so I wouldn't risk having them point it out in the interview.

Keep your cool

This one I should have taken my own advice for, you are in a business situation so don't get emotional. Yes you are interviewing to work at Disney World which is so exciting! But try to keep your emotions to a minimum. The only time I didn't follow this advice was when we were shown upstairs in Disney HQ and I saw the Star Wars display and I visibly squealed so loud that everyone turned around and stared. I was absolutely mortified I beat myself up so much about it I was so embarrassed!

Be prepared

You'll receive an email prior to the interview about what to bring, please bring all of these. It can look unprofessional if they have asked you to just bring a couple of items and you haven't brought them. It might seem pretty obvious to bring what they have asked but you would be surprised at the amount of people that forgot to bring their documents.

Waiting Tips

Distract Yourself

No matter how nervous or scared you are for the interviews, the worst part about this process is the waiting game. You will refresh your emails every chance you get whether it's 10 times in 1 minute. You will construct theory's about the process as to why certain things are done and when. You will try to bring it up in every conversation you have but you will feel yourself annoy people. The best bit of advice I can give to help is to distract yourself, throw yourself into a project, or work out, take extra hours at work, anything to take your mind off waiting for an email. It may not take it off your mind, I was certainly thinking about it every second of the day but it will help not having your phone in your hand to obsessively refresh.

And that's it! Just remember as you would have heard before many a time, be yourself!

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