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First Yummy Jobs Application

Writer's picture: Laura SlingerLaura Slinger

In the summer of 2014, I applied for the J-1 Cultural Exchange Program at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. If accepted you would would at one of the parks for 3 months during the summer of 2015. Before you read further this is my story of how I didn't get on the program. I was however accepted onto the Loews Work and Travel Program at Universal Studios, Orlando. In this post I'll talk about how the process was for someone who didn't get accepted onto the program. If you prefer to watch a video of me at the time discussing the application process then I have a video over on my Youtube Channel!

If you're reading this blog you are probably well aware of the Yummy Jobs Application process but here goes anyway! The first step was the application, as to whether you are eligible to apply so long as you are 18 years old, speak fluent english, enrolled in an accredited college or university and returning to school for at least one term after the program or immediately following graduation, and must have completed one full term at the time of the application. You can read up more on this on the Yummy Jobs website which I will leave a link to, Yummy jobs is the recruiter for UK applicants so you will have to do the application through them.

Applications opened in 2014 on July 14th and closed September 30th so they are opened a long time so don't stress! If you are successful, you will receive an email in October time to inform you if you have made it to the interview process. There are TWO interview stages; one with Yummy Jobs and another with Disney International Recruitment. Roughly 1600 people applied the year I did, of that 500 made it to pre-screen interviews. Pre-screen interviews take place roughly 2 weeks after you find out whether you passed the application stage. I was cut at the pre-screen interviews so my experience will only discuss up until then.


1. First things first, once applications are open you can set up an account with Yummy jobs. This is where you can fill out basic information about yourself and upload needed documents such as a copy of your passport. It will also ask you to upload a photo of yourself, I uploaded this photo below although it is a photo of me smiling I would recommend using a good quality camera ( not your phone like I did!) and preferably get someone else to take the photo instead of a selfie. Just remember to SMILE!

The rest of the information needed is your contact information, education, work experience etc..

2. The most important section and the one you need to spend the most time on is the "Additional questions" where it will ask you to put down the earliest date you are available for the program. The main questions ( these may have changed by the time you are reading this) but for the 2014 application you had 1,500 characters max for each question - 'Why do you value cultural exchange and interaction?' 'Final Comments' and 'Motivation for the program'. I would recommend typing your answers out first on Microsoft Word as they are tough to answer right away. The first question wants you to discuss how you value meeting others from around the world and how it is important to you. Basically to make sure you get on well with others and that you can help make peoples vacations magical. The second question you can do with what you will, some people discussed their previous programs, since I had not taken part in a program before I just thanked them for the opportunity to apply. For the motivation section it is basically like a cover letter however I talked about everything I didn't cover in my cover letter.

3. In the documents section you can upload a copy of your CV, Cover Letter and a previous visa ( if applicable). I HIGHLY recommend tailoring your CV and Cover Letter specifically for the program rather than the same CV you sent to previous jobs. Therefore you can highlight any areas that you have experience in that Disney have available. For example if you worked in a cafe you have a higher chance of working in Food and Beverages. Your Cover Letter should focus on your motivation for the program & why you want to go. A good tip I read was from Hattan Times Does Disney which was discuss:

1. Where you want to go? i.e.. goals for the future

2. Where you've been? i.e. relevant experience

3. How you intend to get there? i.e. What you hope to gain from the program

Structure it as a formal letter, at this stage you are impressing a recruitment company not Disney directly so treat it as 50% job 50% Disney, so don't write an entire cover letter about how obsessed with Disney you are as this could throw them off.

I highly recommend taking your time with your application, it is open for a long time for you to send everything off so don't stress! I also made the mistake of sending mine off the week they opened so I spent months twirling my thumbs just waiting for a response.

Next Step: SEND IT OFF!

Yummy Jobs Website:


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