The CV and Cover Letter are what I spent the most time on, this is a huge part of what they base the decision on as to whether you get through to the pre-screen interviews. Thousands of people apply and they have to narrow it down to just a couple of hundred so make sure yours stands out. Although it is a Disney CV it also has to be completely professional so I don't recommend having Disney characters over the page or anything like that. Make it so they can see you spent time and effort to make your CV appear professional. It is highly recommended to have your CV 2 pages long or less, I think anything less than a page is way too short but anything longer than 2 pages they will lose interest. There are two types of positions available: Food & Beverage or Merchandise. So if you have any experience in a restaurant or working in a store make that the main focus of your CV.
CV Layout
At the top of the page I had my name in a larger font with my details below it which included:
Phone Number
Email Address
Personal Profile
Here I mentioned that I was a University graduate looking to apply for a position on the Cultural Representative Program. There are hundreds of examples online which follow the same kind of outline:
A recent <Insert Course Title> graduate with a <Insert grade> honours degree from the University of X, looking to apply for a position on the Cultural representative Program.
I went into more detail and made it more personal but it gives you a rough idea.
Skills and Attributes
Here I went into details about my personality and specific attributes I have and where I learnt them from. For example if you worked in a call centre you could say:
"I am a bubbly person and a great communicator which I learnt at my position at X Call centre where I handled challenging scenarios on a daily basis."
In this section you can go into detail about your personal interests such as reading, painting etc. I made this section a bit smaller than the Skills and Attributes section as Skills and Attributes can prove why your experience and skill set makes you right for the role but the Interests can show why your personality fits within the program. Although I would leave the Disney focus to the Cover Letter I would throw in something Disney in this section.
This is where you can write about your previous jobs and the different duties you had whilst working there. List your most recent position first along with the dates you were there from. I listed my current job along with the 3 jobs I had before then.
This section obviously isn't needed I simply put it in because I had plenty of volunteer work experience and I need to pad out my second page.
Here I mentioned what University I went to, the years I attended, the course I took, the grade I received and an example of some of the classes I took. I did the same with my College course and my high school. If you didn't go to University just mention your High School grades as you don't need to be a University student to apply for the program.
Since Yummy Jobs don't ask for references specifically I just put at the bottom of the page:
"References available on request"
I would read though your CV countless times checking spelling, grammar or have someone else check it for you. Also check the layout and make sure things are inline, same font sizes etc.
Next week I'll go further in depth over writing a cover letter!